Pergunte ao perito




What type of walker works best that provides comfort and support? Our daughter has flexed arms with limited range of motion. Is there a walker that has been successful with children who have limb differences?

Resposta dos nossos peritos

In my experience, I have seen success with several different types of walkers:

- The Rifton gait trainer (with or without platforms for her arms) has a trunk support, and has many options which can be added or removed, depending on the support she needs (including saddle, hip guides, ankle guides, and tray). The down side is the walker is very bulky and somewhat difficult to transport. I've included a picture below...refer to.

- A standard platform rolling walker has sometimes been successful, depending on the range of motion of the shoulders elbows (without seeing a picture of your child, I do not know if this is a viable option)

- The Pony walker has been successful for some (based on parent report to me), but I myself have not found much success ... however, this is not to say it would not work for your daughter.

AM/TK 7-13-10

A resposta é verificada e válida para
Encontrar outras páginas que partilhem o mesmo tópico que esta página Ability to move around and manipulate the environment12 Ability to move around and manipulate the environment6


Ability to move around and manipulate the environment

Developmental milestones should be closely monitored.

Relatação legal

Por favor note que o Pergunte ao perito service/ é composto por profissionais voluntários em várias áreas de foco. As respostas não são consideradas uma consulta médica, comportamental, ou educacional. Perguntar ao Perito não substitui os cuidados e atenção que o médico pessoal, psicólogo, consultor educacional, ou assistente social do seu filho pode prestar.

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