

Not approved yet, under review/discussion by the CdLSWorld Federation Council!

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Formalising the composition of the Executive Committee in View of Proposed Constitution Update

Proposed Composition

Leads the Council, Calls Council meetings, Sets agenda for meetings, Chairs meetings, Informs Council of vital information, new developments, Attends SAC and Care Council meetings where possible, presents reports to Council meetings
Backs up Chair/President, substitutes if Chair/President unavailable at meetings, is either Past Chair/President or following term served, next Chair/President Elect
Manages finances of Federation in light of levy payments, banking and expenditure, presents financial balance sheets reports to Council meetings
Next World Conference Host
Leader or representative of Federation member group hosting next World Conference, reports to Council on preparations and progress of planning of conference, takes on board conference requirements determined by Council, requests speakers from SAC members, agrees costs from Council towards translation requirements beyond agreed commitments of host group
Latin America Liaison
This is a position not previously stipulated in the Constitution, point of contact for all support groups in Latin America, bridges language barrier to Council, informs developing groups of requirements, supports development of new groups in Latin America, advises on applications to formally join Federation
Honorary Secretary
This is a proposed new member of Executive Committee, records minutes of Council meetings, prepares and distributes to all Council members

Procedure for Election

All members of Executive Committee are elected at close of full Council meetings, volunteers to be known to Chair/President, candidates nominated, seconded and voted upon by Council, elected to Executive Committee

Duties of Executive Committee

As per Article 8 of Constitution

ARTICLE 8 (Federation Executive)

  • The Federation Executive is determined by the Council for a two year term, on a written ballot.  The term of office of the members of the Federation Executive begins at the close of the session of the Council at which they have been determined and expires at the close of the session of the Council which determines their successors.
  • The Federation Executive manages the affairs of the Federation in accordance with this Constitution and under the direction of the Council.
  • The Council will determine from time to time the composition of the Federation Executive but the Federation Executive will consist of at least four members, determined as follows:  
    • Chairperson nominated and elected in a personal capacity by the Council;
    • Immediate Past Chairperson, who shall serve as Vice-Chairperson; or a Chairperson-elect who shall act as Vice-Chairperson; and
    • A General Member nominated by the member nation who will host the next International Conference and approved by Council.
    • A Treasurer nominated and elected in a personal capacity by the Council.
  • The Federation Executive may consult with one another and reach decisions by any available means.  The decisions must be formalised in a resolution voted on by email or other communications device.
  • Resolutions are passed by a simple majority vote and the Chairperson has the casting vote. Resolutions are recorded by the Chairperson.
  • If a member of the Federation Executive should resign during the term of office, the Council may elect by email or other communications device a replacement to serve the remaining term of office.
  • The Federation Executive is responsible for implementing the decisions of Council.

Term of Office

Until Close of next meeting when successors are elected