
the wonderfull Gala diner


An evening of spectacular fun and fine dining at the Gala Dinner.
A delicious menu composed by Radisson BLU Scandianvia's Chef Morten Wagner.
The entertainment has most kindly been sponsored by Michael Lund Kristensen.
it started at 18.00 with Welcome drinks

Entertainment by "De Kongelige Tenorer" Main course

3 Royal Tenors

This was a gigantic entertainment.

 What could be safer choice than a royal touch with warmth and humor, as we saw when it is the RC 3. Tenors in charge of entertainment.
Three tenors from the Royal Theatre and a pianist got together despite different appearance and voice timbre, but precisely those differences support their entertainment, and gives it a character that appeals.
They sing opera arias, which even opera haters know and love, and even more liberating it is when the humor arises is the implementation of exuberant Broadway musicals by Gershwin, Rogers, Lloyd Webber, mf - or some of our own Danish evergreens.
The joy of recognition is one of the biggest and it becomes not less, when the tunes get a new sound by being dressed in these 3 talented singer, who represents the 3 Royal.
Tenors - in style and with a smile.

Entertainment by "Thomas Meilstrup" Dessert

Coffee & The

"Trio La Fontaine" played up to dance untill the middle of the night!!!!


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