How to select a translation

When you visit a page on CdLS world you will see the translation-tab of a page.

The tab that must be used to change the language
When you click the language you desire two things can happen.The languages that are setup...

  • There is a existing translation, it will show
  • There is not a translation for that language, you will still see the original text; usually english

After you clicked EDIT, you will see a box with the text but also three panels; Document Information, Document Translations and XWiki Syntax Help. In this screenshot they are shown at the right side, but because of screen size they might be below the box-with-text.

The edit box

Document Information

This box is important as it will tell you the original language (default language) of the page. that is the text that should be translated.

document Information

Document translation

This box is needed to select a existing translation or create new translations

The line translate this document in: ...  holds two-letter codes. Each code represents a language.

  • en = English
  • it = Italian
  • pl = Polish
  • es = Espagnol
  • de = Deutsch
  • pt = Portugese
  • fr = Francais
  • nl = Dutch (Netherlands)
  • da = Dansk (Danish)

There can be other codes, depending on the site settings. We can easily add languages!

As you can see there always is a Original document, there will probably be a list of languages you can translate the page into and maybe a list of already existing translations.

Document without existing translations
You can switch to another translation by clicking on a code! 

New translation

  1. Select the language from the line translate this document in: ... .
  2. The system will copy the text of the original document into the textbook: this is the text you must translate. (it will include all the links, pictures etcetera of the original page)
  3. Note that there now is the line You are editing the original document (xx). The xx should be the code that you clicked for the new translation
  4. A best practise is to translate by inserting a empty line above the line you want to translate and leave the original text in until you are happy with the translation.
  5. Delete line by line the original text, so you only have the translation-text

Document with some existing translations

(we advise to click 

Save & Continue

frequently after each significant step

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