10:30-11:30 NejNej

The capture of the bridge is known in the annals of the war as the "Miracle of Remagen".  General Eisenhower stated that "the bridge is worth its weight in gold".  In the days immediately following, the German High Command made desperate attempts to destroy the bridge by bombing and even employing frogmen.

The Idea of the Memorial
Hans Peter Kürten, at that time Mayor of Remagen, had long busied himself with the idea of constructing a memorial. The towers contain an exhibition which recounts the history of the bridge.  

The main theme in the Peace Hall applies to everyone:

  • Every day let us work for peace with our mind and heart.
  • Each person should begin with himself.

Peace Museum 'Bridge of Remagen'

Talere og støttemedlemmer

Michael Schultheis

Kjell van der Meer

Christina Gensler

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