The eyes and the visual system
For parents, caregivers, health care providers, and teachers, concerns and questions often arise regarding the care and well-being of individuals with Cornelia de Lange Syndrome.
Facial features of CdLS are similar in both adults and children. Some individuals with CdLS may have facial features that make them seem older than their actual age. Eyebrows meeting in the middle, thick eyebrows and long eyelashes are very common in individuals with CdLS. They are considered hallmark features of the syndrome.
We know of a number of potential problems with the eyes...
The eyes and the visual system
our Questions and Answers of our experts
Eye discomfort
Cloudiness of the Cornea
Ptosis Redo
Strabismus Surgery
Breaking eye glasses, Behavior
Eye Infection
Eyes-Excimer Laser Surgery
Cortical Vision Impairment
Detached Retina (Myopia, Nearsightedness)
Ptosis Surgery (Blepharitis, Sties)
Keeping Glasses On