Pergunte ao perito


Contracture injections


Our seven-year-old son's occupational therapist would like him to have botox injections in his hamstrings and possibly upper back. I need to know if that's been successful for any CdLS kids.

Resposta dos nossos peritos

I have not heard of anyone using botox for CdLS, probably because the contractures (bent, non-moving joints) are from tight collagen and not so much from muscle spasticity. Botox weakens spastic muscles for awhile. I doubt if botox would help, but I doubt if it would cause any new problem. I do know that it is very expensive and may not be covered by insurance.

TR/TK 7-13-10

A resposta é verificada e válida para
Encontrar outras páginas que partilhem o mesmo tópico que esta página Lower limb abnormalities3 Lower limb abnormalities6


Lower limb abnormalities

Scoliosis and leg length differences need specific attention in adults with CdLS at regular medical check-ups.

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Por favor note que o Pergunte ao perito service/ é composto por profissionais voluntários em várias áreas de foco. As respostas não são consideradas uma consulta médica, comportamental, ou educacional. Perguntar ao Perito não substitui os cuidados e atenção que o médico pessoal, psicólogo, consultor educacional, ou assistente social do seu filho pode prestar.

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tópico que contém este tópico
The musculoskeletal system