Chiedi all'esperto


Heredity and level of affectedness with CdLS


What are the possibilities for an individual with CdLS to have a child with CdLS? If they do, will that child most likely show a similar level of affectedness?

Risposta dei nostri esperti

Individuals with CdLS are likely to be the more mildly affected if they are able to achieve reproduction. This type is thought to be due to a dominant gene. This means that the individual with CdLS has a 50% chance, in each reproductive event, to have a child with CdLS. The child may be similarly affected or more severely affected than the parent. LJ (4-10-01) Most individuals with CdLS should be considered to be fertile, unless a male with undescended testicles. Females need to be protected if in an unsupervised situation

TK 7-13-10

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Trova altre pagine che condividono lo stesso argomento di questa pagina Can individuals with CdLS have children?1 Can individuals with CdLS have children?14


Can individuals with CdLS have children?

Sexual education appropriate to the level of understanding should be offered, and contraception management should follow local standard for the general population.
Hysterectomy is indicated if abnormally heavy bleeding at menstruation is present and does not respond to medical treatment.

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