Hair pulling
My young daughter with CdLS has recently begun pulling her hair. At times it is hard enough that she pulls clumps out. Is this associated with CdLS?
Answer of our experts
I would think that hair pulling was a sign of self-injurious behavior (SIB), which, as you know, may be exacerbated by discomfort (such as reflux). Hair twirling can be a mechanism of comforting, but not hair pulling like that. If she does not have worsening reflux, I would have them check the usual potential pain-causing things (e.g. ear infection, tooth infection, urinary tract, sinus infection etc.). I would recommend contacting your daughter's Pediatric GI doctor as a first step to rule out possible medical reasons for the behavior
TK 7-13-10

Pain and Behaviour
Self-injurious and aggressive behaviour