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Missing Teeth


Male, 11 years old, went to the orthodontist and had impressions taken. He has six missing permanent teeth and the dentists are trying to figure out a route of replacing those teeth. What is recommended? Could this be related at all to CDLS?

Odpowiedź naszych ekspertów

This family is experiencing exactly what we would expect regarding this child's permanent dentition. We often see missing teeth and, sometimes, extra teeth in CdLS. There are many children with various syndromes and those with no specific developmental abnormalities that have missing permanent teeth. Orthodontists have seen this situation many times and search for a solution and plan for treatment. Obtaining a panoramic x-ray and cephalometric x-ray will help determine what teeth are present and missing. These x-rays will also show what space is available to work with in bringing the teeth into a functional and esthetically pleasing position

The only limiting factor related to the possibility of treatment for this child is his ability to offer adequate cooperation for treatment. If it is impossible to obtain the various x-rays and impressions for orthodontic study models (molds) then it might be very difficult to place braces or retainers in the mouth. The presence of braces and retainers also compromises oral hygiene and this might jeopardize the health of the existing teeth if improved dedication and acceptance of oral hygiene does not take place

The treatment of children with missing teeth is not a tremendous challenge to orthodontiststhe treatment of children that have difficulty in accepting the treatment and all that goes withis a challenge. Not all orthodontists are equipped to offer the added time and expertise required. Search out, with the help of your local pediatric dentist, the orthodontist in the area that enjoys our special needs children and is dedicated to their betterment

RM/ TK 7-13-10

Zatwierdzone przezClinical Advisory Board (CAB)
Odpowiedź jest sprawdzana i ważna dla


Feeding and Dental Difficulties

U każdej osoby z CdLS ze znaczącymi i przedłużającymi się trudnościami w odżywaniu zespół specjalistów powinien rozważyć (tymczasowe) założenie gastrostomii (chirurgicznego dostępu do żołądka przez powłoki brzuszne) jako uzupełnienie karmienia doustnego.
U osób z CdLS, u których występują nawracające infekcje dróg oddechowych, należy wykluczyć refluks i/lub aspirację (wdychanie do dróg oddechowych) ciał obcych.
Podniebienie powinno być dokładnie zbadane po postawieniu diagnozy. W przypadku wystąpienia objawów (podśluzówkowego) rozszczepu podniebienia, wskazane jest skierowanie do specjalisty.
Przegląd stomatologiczny i czyszczenie zębów powinny odbywać się regularnie; może być konieczne dokładniejsze badanie stomatologiczne lub leczenie w znieczuleniu.

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Please take note that the Ask the Expert service is comprised of volunteer professionals in various areas of focus. Answers are not considered a medical, behavioral, or educational consultation. Ask the Expert is not a substitute for the care and attention your child’s personal physician, psychologist, educational consultant, or social worker can deliver.

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