WaihonaPedia supportside

Health list items, overview of lists

WaihonaPedia is a platform to be flexible en readable by many nationalities.

In many of our apps you will find selection lists, see the current lists below.
This means a list can easily be extended with items that might not be recognized in a first version.

Select the list, or the list-Item you would like to see.

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Expertise of experts

Doctors or Therapists often have complicated functionnames that describes their expertise. We would like to clarify this to our families in easy to read descriptions

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key Group title Delete
exp002 exp Geneticist
exp003 exp Gastroenterologist
exp004 exp Cardiologist
exp005 exp Neurologist
exp006 exp Dentist
exp007 exp Optician
exp008 exp Ophthalmologist
exp009 exp Psychologist
exp010 exp Occupational Therapist
exp011 exp Anaesthetist
exp012 exp Paediatrician
exp013 exp Social worker
exp014 exp Surgeon
exp015 exp Speech therapist
exp016 exp ID physician
exp017 exp Gedrags deskundige
exp018 exp dietician
exp019 exp Otorhinolaryngologist – Ent Specialist
exp020 exp Physiotherapist
exp021 exp logopedist
expGP exp General practitioner