Chiedi all'esperto


Contracture injections


Our seven-year-old son's occupational therapist would like him to have botox injections in his hamstrings and possibly upper back. I need to know if that's been successful for any CdLS kids.

Risposta dei nostri esperti

I have not heard of anyone using botox for CdLS, probably because the contractures (bent, non-moving joints) are from tight collagen and not so much from muscle spasticity. Botox weakens spastic muscles for awhile. I doubt if botox would help, but I doubt if it would cause any new problem. I do know that it is very expensive and may not be covered by insurance.

TR/TK 7-13-10

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Trova altre pagine che condividono lo stesso argomento di questa pagina Lower limb abnormalities3 Lower limb abnormalities6


Lower limb abnormalities

Scoliosis and leg length differences need specific attention in adults with CdLS at regular medical check-ups.

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argomento tenendo questo argomento
The musculoskeletal system