CitationBox Macro




Download XAR and import it into your main xwiki with programming rights.

Example Usage:

{{cbox name="Plato" title="Greek author & philosopher in Athens (427 BC - 347 BC)" ruler="yes"}}
Death is not the **worst** that can happen to men.

Note, that you can use \\ or carriage return inside citation to put line break in a desired place.


Death is not the worst that can happen to men.
Greek author & philosopher in Athens (427 BC - 347 BC)


NameMandatoryDefault ValueDescription
nameNoNone A name of person citation belongs to. (Eg. 'Heraclitus')
titleNoNone A title of person citation belongs to. (Eg. 'Ancient philosopher')
alignNoright Box align. Options: left, right.
widthNo45% Width of the box. Any css width specification  (Eg. 75% or 300px )
colorNoNoneBackground color of the box. Any css color specification (Eg. red)
shadowNoyes An optional shadow of the citation box. Options: yes, no
textflowNono Text flow around the citation box. Options: yes, no
rulerNono Horizontal line between citation and Authors name. Options: yes, no

CitationBox Macro was inspired by MBox Macro

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