Bestemd voor: A1 en A2


Beste families,

Mijn naam is Leonore. Supportgroup for CdLS heeft ons gevraagd om te helpen bij het verzamelen van kennis over Cornelia de Lange syndroom en deze toegankelijk te maken voor de families. Hiervoor heeft Supportgroup for CdLS, samen met andere patiëntenorganisaties, WaihonaPedia ontwikkeld. Dit is een digitaal platform dat speciaal gemaakt is door en voor mensen met een zeldzame aandoening, hun families, begeleiders en medisch experts. 

Heel belangrijk voor het platform zijn jullie vragen over Cornelia de Lange syndroom. De aandoening kent vele uitdagingen en hoe meer jullie vragen, hoe meer wij als experts erover kunnen leren. Dat kan ons nieuwe inzichten en oplossingen opleveren. En daar zijn we allemaal bij gebaat!

Registreer je dus op www.waihonapedia.org en stel je vragen. Samen bouwen we aan een gedegen collectieve kennisbank over Cornelia de Lange syndroom. Stel jullie vragen over Cornelia de Lange syndroom bij WaihonaPedia.

Samen kunnen we de kennis over Cornelia de Lange syndroom vergroten!

Hulp nodig bij je registratie? We helpen je graag! Neem hiervoor contact op met team WaihonaPedia

Bestemd voor: A3, A4 en A5


FACEBOOK POST bestemd voor A3, A4 en A5
Hello Families My name is Chequita. Some of you already met me at the FamilyEvent in Kindervallei.
MSS foundation asked us to help gathering knowledge about MSS and make it accessible for the Families. To make this possible the MSS foundation together with other patient organizations developped the WaihonaPedia platform. 

An important part of this are your questions. Experts can learn about MSS by being aware of your questions. And maybe the experts can even help answering your questions. 

So let's start using WaihonaPedia and join us!
Those who signed up in Valkenburg already have an account. We are ready to receive you’re questions. 

If you need support with the registration, we can help you. Our proposal to you is that we contact you when we see that you post a question (to other families) here. We will ask you to also post your question in WaihonaPedia. The first times we will support you by telling you how. 

Please join us!

Hello I would like to invite you to ask your question at waihonapedia.org Experts can learn about Cornelia de Lange syndroom by being aware of your questions. And maybe they can even help answering your questions. If you like I can sent your welcome mail with youre account details again. Best regards from Chequita your contact at WaihonaPedia

FACEBOOK MESSENGER bestemd voor A3 en A4
Hello What a fierce experience for all of you. I hope NAME gets well soon! I would like to invite you to ask your question at waihonapedia.org Experts can learn about Cornelia de Lange syndroom by being aware of your questions. And maybe they can even help answering your questions. This link Please join us! will lead you to the register form. If you fill in your details I will send you a welcome mail with your account as soon as possible. Kind regards from Chequita of team WaihonaPedia

Sobre o conteúdo do sítio web

Toda a informação contida neste WebSite é apenas para fins educativos. O local para obter aconselhamento médico específico, diagnósticos e tratamento é o seu médico. A utilização deste site é estritamente por sua conta e risco. Se encontrar algo que considere necessário corrigir ou esclarecer, por favor informe-nos em: 

Envie um e-mail: info@cdlsWorld.org