12 - Evidence linked to recommendations

There is an explicit link between the recommendations and the supporting evidence

User’s Manual Description:

An explicit link between the recommendations and the evidence on which they are based should be included in the guideline. The guideline user should be able to identify the components of the body of evidence relevant to each recommendation.

Where to Look:

Define and examine the recommendations in the guideline and the text describing the body of evidence that underpins them. Examples of commonly labeled sections or chapters in a guideline where this information can be found include: recommendations and key evidence.

How to Rate:

Item content includes the following CRITERIA:

  • the guideline describes how the guideline development group linked and used the evidence to inform recommendations
  • each recommendation is linked to a key evidence description/paragraph and/or reference list
  • recommendations linked to evidence summaries, evidence tables in the results section of the guideline


  • Is there congruency between the evidence and recommendations?
  • Is the link between the recommendations and supporting evidence easy to find in the guideline?
  • When evidence is lacking or a recommendation is informed primarily by consensus of opinion by the guideline group, rather than the evidence, is this clearly stated and described?
Melissa C. Brouwers ...(see below)
Melissa C. Brouwers ...(see below)

AGREE II: advancing guideline development, reporting and evaluation in health care

Melissa C. Brouwers, Michelle E. Kho, George P. Browman, Jako S. Burgers, Francoise Cluzeau, GeneFeder, Béatrice Fervers, Ian D. Graham, Jeremy Grimshaw, Steven E. Hanna, Peter Littlejohns, JulieMakarski, Louise Zitzelsberger


Senest ændret af Gerritjan Koekkoek den 2024/04/17 13:07
Oprettet af Gerritjan Koekkoek den 2024/04/17 13:07

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