
International CdLS Awareness Day

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Asociación Española Síndrome de Cornelia de Lange (AESCdL) , Ass. Naz. di Volontariato Cornelia De Lange ONLUS , Vereniging Cornelia de Lange syndroom , ASSOCIATION FRANÇAISE DU SYNDROME DE CORNELIA DE LANGE , The World Federation of CdLS Support , the Cornelia de Lange Syndrome (CdLS) Foundation USA
1 supporter


Join Families Across the World to  Celebrate the 35th Anniversary of  International CdLS Awareness Day

Need inspiration or ideas

Interested in becoming an  Awareness Coordinator?

International CdLS Awareness Day will be held on SATURDAY, MAY 11 this year. We are encouraging every family to celebrate.

Let’s spread awareness about CdLS, whether it is a get-together or a social media post.

Together, we can educate the world about your loved ones 



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Envoyez un courriel : info@cdlsWorld.org