Supportseite WaihonaPedia


This macro will show the role title of a user with a certain organisation
You can specify the key of the organisation and the full pageref of a user
If you only specify a user it will show all roles, seperated by a comma

{{showRoleInOrganisation userCode='GerritjanKoekkoek' organisationCode='amcCDLS'/}}

{{showRoleInOrganisation userCode='GerritjanKoekkoek'/}}

{{showRoleInOrganisation toneFormal=true userCode='GerritjanKoekkoek'/}}

Gerritjan ist Supporter der ASSOCIATION FRANÇAISE DU SYNDROME DE CORNELIA DE LANGE, Council member der The World Federation of CdLS Support, Director der Stichting WaihonaPedia, Voorzitter der Vereniging Cornelia de Lange syndroom

Herr Koekkoek ist Supporter der ASSOCIATION FRANÇAISE DU SYNDROME DE CORNELIA DE LANGE, Council member der The World Federation of CdLS Support, Director der Stichting WaihonaPedia, Voorzitter der Vereniging Cornelia de Lange syndroom

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