Página de soporte de WaihonaPedia


This macro will show a button that will launch a Modal window on-top of your page
It can be with several parameters

  • modalID (for if you have multiple modal's on ONE HTML page, recommended to use, but if you do not supply this param it will be waihonapediaModal
  • launchButtonLabel; the label for the launch-button
  • modalHeaderTitle; the label that will be in your modal window header
  • modalAcceptButtonLabel; the label for the close button in the window
  • launchButtonSize: if the button is Large (btn-lg) or Small (btn-sm)
Bericht voor doorgaan, tada

{{showModal modalID='secondModal' launchButtonLabel='launch the modal' modalHeaderTitle='Launched modal'}}
{{include reference='waihonaBase.supportNetworkBaseLine'/}}

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