WaihonaPedia supportside


This macro is using the video macro of xwiki, so parameters for this macro can be used and will be passed, additional we we need a pageRef for the text below the video and a duration to display as information

  • pageRef: this will be used to get the text for describing the video, it will use ONLY the first paragraph of content (through CSS) and a link
  • decorationPageRef: this will be used to find the image used for decoration
  • decorationImage: this must be a valid attachment on the decoration Page (png,jpg,gif or webp)

params of this macro:
WikiMacroParameterClass 0: pageRef
WikiMacroParameterClass 2: decorationPageRef
WikiMacroParameterClass 3: decorationImage
WikiMacroParameterClass 4: url
WikiMacroParameterClass 5: reference
WikiMacroParameterClass 6: videoCaption
WikiMacroParameterClass 7: attachement
WikiMacroParameterClass 8: videoAuthorList
WikiMacroParameterClass 9: duration
WikiMacroParameterClass 10: videoMetaPageRef

  {{playVideoTile attachment='updateTextInPage.mp4'/}}

  {{playVideoTile reference='WaihonaPedia.Manuals.videoDYI-editText' attachment='updateTextInPage.mp4' /}}

  {{playVideoTile url='https://vimeo.com/807484608' pageRef='WaihonaPedia.Manuals.videoDYI-editText'  ratio='16:9'/}}


The page (videoDYI-editText) does not exist

The page (videoDYI-editText) does not exist

Parameters for the video macro

urlStringThe URL of your video's page. It has to be the address of a Google video, a YouTube video (including shorten URLs), a Vimeo video or a Dailymotion or Dailymotion Cloud video taken from its original page.
widthNumberThe width of the embedded video, in percentages. By default a size of 100% is used.
heightNumber The height of the embedded video, in pixels. By default a height of 400 pixels is used.
referenceStringThe name of the entity to consider in case of an attachment video. See the Model module to understand the concept of references. Available since XWiki 3.4M1.
attachmentStringThe name of the video attachment.
dashStringThe document in which the manifest.mpd file and the video streams are attached.
videoPosterStringThe poster of the video is an image attachment that will be displayed before starting playing the video.
ratioStringPossible values: '1:1', '4:3', '16:9' and '21:9'. When this parameter is provided, the width and height are reset to 100% and the video is fit in the parent container. Available since version 1.13 of the macro.

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