Página de apoio WaihonaPedia


It will result in a index of users that are supporter of a campaign

This macro will work when used inside an campaign tree

It will look in the campaign object of class waihonapediaCampaignClass in the property Speakers.

One (1) or more entries of users in this property will indicate the camppaign has supporters
That will trigger a query of users linked to the campaign

  1. by being specified in the property 'speakers' (XWiki List of Users)
  2. by being specified as child pages of .speakers.WebHome having an object of class userTagClass

It is allowed to have different collections;

  1. Collection in property (Collection A)
  2. Collection by query of objects of class userTagClass (Collection B)

The list will be a UNION of the two collections!

  • A user in Collection A AND Collection B is fully specified
  • A user in Collection A AND NOT IN Collection B is to be specified
  • A user in Collection B AND NOT IN Collection A is fully specified WITHOUT USING our user interface (not a real problem)


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