Página de apoio WaihonaPedia


This macro will take a parameter for

  • pageRef: this will be used to get a title, the first paragraph of content (through CSS) and a link
  • pageRefAsLink: Specify this param if you want the tile to be 'clickable' 
  • decorationPageRef: this will be used to find the image used for decoration
  • decorationImage: this must be a valid attachment on the decoration Page (png,jpg,gif or webp)
  • imageCaption: this is a text that will be displayed as image caption
  • captionIconName: ???
  • pageClassName: This will be the alternative for decoration pageRef
  • imageProperty: This will be the alternative for decoration image
  • informationProperty: This will be the alternative for the first paragraph
  • informationPropertyType: this will specify if the propety is a string, database, pageRef
  {{decoratedTile pageRef='CdLSWorld.conferences.2019.about.why' decorationPageRef='CdLSWorld.conferences.2019.feature.WebHome' decorationImage='img-1.jpg'/}}

  {{decoratedTile pageRef='CdLSWorld.conferences.2019.about.what' pageRefAsLink=true decorationPageRef='CdLSWorld.conferences.2019.feature.WebHome' decorationImage='img-3.jpg' imageCaption='13-okt-2022'/}}


Why are we doing this?

Families all over Europe are looking for answers and support. Together we can do more. Bringing together families and experts from all over the world will allow us to learn, discuss and improve how to handle the different challenges that come with the syndrome


Sobre o conteúdo do sítio web

Toda a informação contida neste WebSite é apenas para fins educativos. O local para obter aconselhamento médico específico, diagnósticos e tratamento é o seu médico. A utilização deste site é estritamente por sua conta e risco. Se encontrar algo que considere necessário corrigir ou esclarecer, por favor informe-nos em: 

Envie um e-mail: info@cdlsWorld.org