Página de apoio WaihonaPedia


This Macro will use the macro3Thumbnails but, by knowing for which support group, it will use the image library of that community and look for three images. When it finds three images of which the filename starts with 'closing' these will get priority, otherwise it will just take the first 3 images from that libary!

  {{closingBeauty groupCode='nl'/}}

 {{closingBeauty groupCode='nl' prefixImages='dt'/}}

 {{closingBeauty groupCode='nl' prefixImages='dt' text1='Praat mee...' text2='Jouw verhaal helpt...' text3='We leren ervan...'/}}
    Cada pessoa é única!
    O valor de um sorriso!
    O poder do Amor!
    Cada pessoa é única!
    O valor de um sorriso!
    O poder do Amor!
    Praat mee...
    Jouw verhaal helpt...
    We leren ervan...

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