LiveValidation Macro


Provides client-side live validation of a single XObject based on the validation expressions and messages defined in its XClass. The form will not be submitted to the server until all fields are properly validated. The validation message are added next to the validated field, in a span element marked with LV_validation_message and LV_invalid classnames. Once validated, the span is emptied and receive a LV_valid classname. Moreover, all validated fields receive an additional xlivevalidation classname.

This macro uses Validation.Format from the LiveValidation Javascript framwork with the regular expression from each property in the object XClass and shows the validation message in case of failure.


{{livevalidation form='formId' object='objectReference' /}}
 Param  Description
 form  Unique ID of the form html element that will be validated before submission (Optional, default to inline).
 object  Object reference of the XObject to be validated.


Add the following lines to MyApp.MyAppSheet.

{{livevalidation object='MyApp.MyAppClass[0]' /}}


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