LiveValidationConfirmation Macro

Validates that another field of the form match the value of an XObject property.

The validation is put on the matching field, not on the property itself to give a proper behavior. The match argument of this macro does not match the match argument of the underlying LiveValidation framework, but is the validated input field. The match argument of the underlying LiveValidation framework is the property.

This validation does not imply the value is not empty, it is therefore suggested to also add a presence validation for the same property, else the form could be validated with both field empty.


{{livevalidationConfirmation form="formId" property="propertyReference" match="fieldId" failureMessage="A message to display when validation fail" /}}
 Param  Description
 form  Unique ID of the form html element that contains the validated field (Optional, default to inline).
 property  Property reference of the field to be validated.
 match  Identifier of the field that should match the property value.
 failureMessage  Message to be used upon validation failure.


Add an identified volatile confirmation field to the form and the following lines to MyApp.MyAppSheet.

{{livevalidationConfirmation property='MyApp.MyAppClass[0].myprop' match='fieldId' failureMessage='This field should match myprop.' /}}

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