
How Do I Treat my Grandchild with CdLS?

How Do I Treat my Grandchild with CdLS?

New grandparents may wonder if they can participate in the life of a grandchild with CdLS in the same manner as they do with their other grandchildren.

“Yes, absolutely, I participate in the life of my grandchild with CdLS in the same manner as I do with my other grandchildren. I have sleepovers where at times I have all seven of my grandchildren including my grandchild with CdLS. I see no differences; they are all my grandchildren. All are as one and the same family. Each of my grandchildren has his or her own identity. I see them all as normal in their own way.”

“We have limited contact, other than phone calls and letters, because of the distance between us. Sometimes my grandson is able to speak a few words into the phone but not often. Mostly I serve as a listening ear for his mother when she needs to unload.” 

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