
Changes for You

Changes for You

“When you are blessed with a grandchild with CdLS, you spin into a different mode. You hold two generations in your hands. There is a saying, ‘You hold your children’s hands for a little while but you hold their hearts forever.’ This is so true, but I think as a grandparent of a child with CdLS, ‘You go back to holding your child’s hands again for a while,’ which, for me, has been a privilege.”  

“He will be four soon. For some time I didn’t think we would have long term goals. He runs, jumps, and climbs now.” 

“I have become more patient and tolerant. Of course, caring for her by myself has become my primary purpose in life. I am thinking ahead to get things in order when I am no longer around”

“She brought out an inner strength I didn’t know I had.”

“My grandchild died. How it changed me. My relationship with her was so good and I believe she knew my touch and voice. Her life helped me to appreciate the smaller things in life and not take things for granted. Our family has grown together.”

“I am a more caring person with people who have handicaps. Also I’m very open to tell others about my grandson with CdLS and about the Foundation.”

“The greatest gift in life is grandchildren. I play with them, shop with them, laugh and cry with them. But life keeps changing and they grow up, go to school, do sports and move on to friends etc. He is special because it takes time to see how he will develop.  We’ve watched him go from not hearing to hearing, from not crawling or walking to running and climbing. Each day is a challenge with him and we don’t know what to expect. Since he is developing much slower, we get to ‘hang onto him’ a little longer.”