Cornelia de Lange Children Summer Camp
11th September
- 08:30am Welcome
- 09:00am Welcome presentation
- 10:00am Know each other time
- 12:00am Return to Hotel
- 12:30am Epic meal time
- 13:30am Chill Out session
- 15:30am Beach Relax (snacks included)
- 17:30am Sport Activity
12th September
- 08:30am Welcome
- 09:00am Welcome presentation of the Day
- 10:00am Beach
- 12:00am Return to Hotel
- 12:30am Epic meal time
- 13:30am Chill Out session
- 15:30am Epic Pool time(snacks included)
- 17:30am Sayonara time
Lunches are not included, will be with their families in the Hotel