Common Growth of Children with CdLS

Common Growth of Children with CdLS

To better educate parents of children with CdLS and their health care providers , CdLS Foundation Medical Director Antonie D. Kline, M.D., and her colleagues developed gender-specific growth charts based on research and data collected over many years.

On the following pages you will find the male growth charts;



From birth to 36 months

Male height (to 36 months)

From 36 months to adult

Male height (>36 Months)


From birth to 36 months

Male weight (<36 months)

From 36 months to adult

Male height (> 36 months)

Head measurements

Male head measurement



From birth to 36 months
Female Height (<36 months)From 36 months to adult

Female height (>36 months


From birth to 36 months
Female weight (<36months)From 36 months to adult

Female weight (>36 months)

Head measurement

Female head measurements

Tonie Kline

Medical Director, CdLS Foundation USA

Zuletzt geändert von Gerritjan Koekkoek am 2021/10/08 10:39
Erstellt von Gerritjan Koekkoek am 2009/03/18 16:26

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