
2021 CdLS-Day Latino Challenge

The CdLS Network of spanish speaking countries and CdLS Colombia invite you (CdLS families) to join their 'challenge' to give lustre to the International Day for CdLS (8-May)


To do this you need to do the following;

  1.  Wear something 'purple'
  2. Do a dance to the music 'Happy' by 'Pharrel Williams' (only needs 5 seconds, not too long)
    Grab something 'white' (e.g. a paper handkerchief) from the left and pass it to the right 2.

The idea is to share your contribution with CdLS Colombia who will then paste your contribution into a fun movie!

See an example of what it will look like!

Unfortunately you see this invitation rather late, the deadline is May 5.

Please send the video to:
Come on, you have three days left, we can do it!

It would be cool to see videos from around the world showing what such a small group is capable of....

Paola Mannucci & Joana Mendivelso

Gerritjan Koekkoek

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Zuletzt geändert von Gerritjan Koekkoek am 2021/05/04 10:55
Erstellt von Gerritjan Koekkoek am 2021/05/03 11:41

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